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About This Track
voices are from a preacher, and the last vocals are from 1984 audio book. kind of about taking responsibility for your own actions.
- May 12, 2007oct27222 is the date i made the song - oct. 27th. i guess i am calling it responsibility, but if you have any suggestions for better sounding words with a similar meaning let me know please.
- May 12, 2007Great piece. I love the oscillating bass sound and the general mood -- the offbeat ambience. I think it would be neat if at some point in the song, the 16ths hats and other rhythmic stuff stopped for a few bars, to give room for something to really jump out -- like that vocal, *or* just that great wobbly oscillating bass.
- May 13, 2007that's a really good idea. i'm going to try that out.
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This song may be downloaded, distributed, and used in films or games or other productions according to these specific terms.