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About This Track
Darkcore production by me :)
- January 26, 2009
about this song...
its sort of a dedication to all dark thoughts and people with these thoughts ofcourse, but i made this song with only one feeling and thats the feeling of darkness, anyone who feels this will reconize it in the song... The next one will be about my sleep time cuz ive done without allot of that lately cuz of my girl (9th long relationship) breakin up with me so as you might understand my view of the world has changed a bit, darkness is all my mind permits me to see cuz of stuff i have done... i hope my music will inspire people to go on or fight in what ever kind of way cuz my fight is kinda done, all i can do is make music and hope others will not take my path..
Creative Commons License
Attribution Non-commercial No Derivatives
This song may be downloaded, distributed, and used in films or games or other productions according to these specific terms.