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100% of the samples on this site are free. Registration helps us fight robots.
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SAMPLESWAP IS A FREE SITE DEDICATED TO SHARING ORIGINAL SOUNDS AND MUSIC MADE BY ELECTRONIC MUSICIANS. IMPORTANT: The samples on this site are not 100% guaranteed to be "royalty free" or clear of copyright restrictions. SampleSwap members from all over the world have contributed these samples, and while we make an effort to prevent copyrighted material from showing up in the library, such samples do sometimes get added to the collection. You alone are responsible for making sure you are not violating any copyrights when you use SampleSwap sounds on a recording.
JUST AS IMPORTANT: When you upload samples, you release them into the public domain to be used free of charge, and without restriction. Only upload samples that you have the legal right to redistribute. Do not upload samples from commercial sample libraries, even ones you purchased yourself. SampleSwap is meant to be a place for original, interesting samples -- not the usual stuff you can find everywhere else.
Our privacy policy specifies that we will not give or sell your email address to any other company, ever. We will occasionally send you emails with promotions and links to download free email sample packs. We will make it easy for you to unsubscribe from our mailing list or delete your account at any time. We do use Javascript and cookies so that our advertisers can show you more relevant ads and so that we can gather aggregate (non personally-identifiable) statistics on how the website is used.
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